Three Takes on the Dissolution of Empire: Stories from Places and Times Distantly Close
Glen Lowry
Review. FUSE Magazine, Volume 33, Number 2, 2010
[Excerpt] The desire to resituate artistic production in relation to unfolding narratives of global urban development is at the crux of Stories from Places and Times Distantly Close, curated by Liz Park. This awkwardly titled exhibition comprises three distinct but thematically connected works: two from Toronto-based Will Kwan and one from international media collective Cinema Suitcase (Mieke Bal, Zen Marie, Thomas Sykora, Gary Ward and Michelle Williams). Each of these works speaks of the volatility of market forces and shifting geographies of global capitalism. In her curatorial statement, Park suggests that these works reflect on the current era of economic instability by providing “a closer look at the seemingly distant places and times where the consequences of free global trade can be felt in tangible and direct ways.”
Full text PDF here: 2010_FUSEMagazine_Review